“The main principles of the Water school “from Neigong to Tuishou”
“Online” meetings with Maestro Isidoro Li Pira (Dao Le), direct disciple of Master Wang Zhixiang
“Webinar” path of 4 theoretical-practical meetings, valid for training Operators and teachers, lasting one hour and 15 minutes on the “Zoom” platform.
Dates: Oct. 20; Oct. 31; Nov. 14; 05 Dec; 2023
hours: 7.00pm/8.15pm
A path of development of “Donjing” sensory skills, referring to the classics and principles of Water Taiji which will allow you to become familiar with the experience of the Shui Xing Taijiquan method.
The key principles of the water school outline the qualitative skills of each student’s experience. Knowledge of them goes beyond the discrimination of any style, as they are qualitative, they determine what is expressed through a specific sensoriality which to approach the internal work, Neigong aimed at the practice of Tuishou, or the solo work of the form of Taijiquan. They were well identified by Master Wang Zhuanghong, a great martial arts expert and deep expert in classical Chinese culture, then handed down to his successor Master Wang Zhixiang.
Directed by M° Isidoro Li Pira (Dao Le)
M° Wang direct disciple
It’s not important which is your experience, your physical condition, your culture. Each of us needs the best approach to the culture of our body, physical wellbeing and strengthening of
mental state .
To improve their lives, extend their social relationships, progress in their profession.
We have almost 50 years of teaching experience in
many social sectors
and offer you our expertise directly at home.
For any information & subscriptions, contact us:
Tel. +41 79 409 52 94 email: info@iacma.com